F.A.R.T.S. - The Swallowed Wedding Ring


As some of you know, I'm an art teacher for an inner city school. It's crazy in general, but this was really off the wall. The other day, one of the fifth graders came in to school very distraught. His teacher sent him to the guidance counselor because he wouldn't talk to her about what was bothering him. The boy lives with his dad, as his parents are divorced. The boy told the counselor that he was upset because his father was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him, and the boy didn't like Dad's girlfriend. "It's ok, though..." he said to the counselor, "they can't get married now." The counselor asked why and the boy replied, "Because I swallowed the ring this morning!" So the counselor had to call the father and explain and now they have to monitor, um, his bowel movements to retrieve the ring. He's going to be okay, but I'm sure the father and his bride-to-be are not very happy.

It sounds like a sitcom, but I swear this really happened. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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